Goodnight, and Good Luck...
June 30, 2009

Exeter in the dead of the night. Darryl and Murphy are on their way to deal with a couple of youths who are in the process of scaring the hell out of people at a petrol station. By the time the cops arrive, the antagonists have gone, but the damage they've left is pretty clear. A local unit has stopped two likely suspects who are loud, obnoxious and bladdered.

Episode 19
June 23, 2009

Steve and Razor are in Exeter, heading out to assist with a report of a fight that leaves Razor with not a lot more to do than bark in the back. They reach the scene to find a single individual who is wearing a messy moustache of claret and an air of high dudgeon. He claims to have been attacked by a group of youths, and emphasises his anger at the situation with wild gesticulations that send splats of blood in all directions. He refuses to calm down, and ends up having to be section fived after lunging at Steve and the local officers who've also had to wade in.

The Ultimate Kinder Surprise...
June 16, 2009

Steve is in Exeter, heading out to help with the hunt for a man behind the wheel of a reportedly stolen car being driven by a man also suspected of stealing numberplates. The car is, as feared, abandoned – on the edge of a country park, so it's going to be down to Razor now. The doughty hound immediately picks up a track, and pulls Steve on a merry cross country chase through bushes until they catch up with someone out in the middle of nowhere.

Mentioning the unmentionable...
June 9, 2009

Colin is out and about in Exeter with his dog Raven, and has been called in to assist some local officers with the dispersal of a bunch of people who've just left a pub. It is, as usual, alcohol fuelled, and there have been three callouts already thanks to the activities in the streets. Raven, muzzled so they can get right in amongst the crowds without the risk of anything more than flecks of drool on their clothes, is deployed and they head in to get people to move on.

Not the Producers...they don't do that anymore...
June 2, 2009

We open with the TAG – and Tony's CV. They're in Torquay today to raid a property which is claimed to have both drugs and stolen property within, so they've got the warrant and are prepping up to see what they can find. Plans are made in the van, and they head in with the Enforcer. As there's a dog, they've also got the fire extinguisher just in case. As they arrive, someone checks the door, and finds that they won't need the enforcer after all – and the TAG simply walks in.

Road Wars: The Musical 2
May 26, 2009

Proceedings begin with Darryl in Exmouth, on his way to assist fellow officers who've been called in to deal with a young man who's threatened his family with a knife. The person concerned has holed up in a friend's house, and all descend, not entirely sure what they will find. Matters are quite tense, and the suspect appears to have scarpered according to the gentleman they speak to when they arrive. Matters soon deteriorate as the suspect's attempt at subterfuge falls to bits under questioning, and he attempts to leave as soon as it becomes clear that he's not got away with his pretence – a move which leads to a bit of a ruck in the back yard.

The Postman Only Knocks Once ...
May 19, 2009

The TAG doesn't always use large metal things to get through doors. Sometimes they use sneakiness. Today is one of those days, and Simon is wearing an entirely different uniform – pretending to be a postie. Moving quietly and surreptitiously – in full riot gear – they set themselves up while Simon knocks the door and claims that he's got something for the occupant to sign. The moment the door is open, someone in riot gear calmly walks up and goes in without any problem at all other than mild protesting from the homeowner.

If you go down to the woods today...
May 12, 2009

We commence proceedings with Steve and Razor in Hemyock chasing after a four wheel drive which made off from local units. While they've found the vehicle, they're missing the driver, so Razor's nose is needed. The engine is warm, and parked alongside a shack-type building which is warm, but empty. Matters are not helped by the fact that the ground is wet, which makes it tough for Razor to find a track. They still don't know why he fled, but suspect that he might have been drinking.

Songs of Weed and Tiny Trees...
May 5, 2009

It's a busy Friday afternoon in Exmouth, involving both the RCU and the TAG working together to raid a house whose occupants are suspected of dealing drugs. This means evidence is required, so the RCU are lurking in side roads on all routes away from the house ready to stop any potential customers leaving with their purchases. One of tonight's suspected customers is pulled over by Chris, Mark and Jim, who discover a spot of weed, on one of the occupants, and a bong on another, so they're taken to the nick for a spot of questioning.

In which Chris has a slight wind problem...
April 28, 2009

Roger and Giles are coming to the end of a late shift in Collumpton which has, so far, been rather on the quiet side. Before knocking off, they're asked to check out a vehicle heading their way on the Motorway – a vehicle which makes Giles very pleased to undertake the stop. A Porsche 911 Carrera 4 Convertible – or, as he puts it, one of the best cars ever made. It's got some insurance issues, hence their being asked to go get it.

How to make a TAG flap...
April 21, 2009

Gareth's in Exeter, heading out to investigate reports of a group of youths in a lane behind a pub who've had a lot of alcohol, and a bit of a barney. One of them, it seems, has picked up a metal bar, so Finn has to stay put. He encounters a local officer who's stopped a cyclist, who isn't carrying a metal bar, but he is carrying a knife. He admits to this without hesitation, apparently under the impression that there's nothing wrong with going about in public armed with a six inch steak knife. Upon being informed otherwise, he decides to threaten to start spitting, and is immediately plonked on the ground. He then makes things a little worse by claiming to be HIV positive, which would make his saliva slightly more than just unpleasantly messy.

This one's going in the 'too difficult to do' basket...
April 14, 2009

The TAG are on their way to Torquay to execute a drugs warrant, and Gary decides that it's just too boring being stuck in the van – taking the opportunity to serenade his colleagues with a hoedown – dance moves and all. Suitably entertained, they head off to the house, where cannabis is presumed to be held. Dave and Gary are on door-smashing duty, and all move in haste to avoid losing the element of surprise.

Keisatsu o yonde kudasai!
April 7, 2009

Out with Lee and Sharp, at an Exmouth Kebab Shop, where a trainee Marine is really determined to advise everyone that, despite being incredibly drunk and aggressive, he's 'protecting our country' – which apparently entails swearing very loudly and abusively at a dog handler. At least the bleep machine's getting a workout. Word is that the trainiee, and his forces colleagues, have been hurling fists about, but the victim, sporting a damaged face, doesn't want to take it any further. Though the drunk trainee will probably have to put up with a major telling off to go with his hangover in the morning

Ruminations on the indestructibility of quiche
March 31, 2009

Steve's in Exeter with Razor, on the way to find a vandal who's been spotted on CCTV smashing car windows. When Steve, and a couple of local officers arrive, they find three youngsters lurking nearby. It's not certain that these are responsible, but they're definitely not cooperative. Being as there's CCTV available, a quick call is made back to CCTV Central to view footage, while it becomes fairly clear that one of the three is very drunk – and that proves his undoing when one of the others, tongue also loosened by alcohol, drops him right in it as they all show off for the camera. He really doesn't take at all kindly to being arrested, as only someone with a high blood alcohol content can, and the arrest reaches much the same proportion of aggro as that arrest of the drunk boy in series three, until they have to go one stage further and use CS.

I got the dinner time blues...
March 24, 2009

Giles and Roger are patrolling the M5 in one of the STs and find themselves playing catchup with a car which has slammed past them at over a ton. Blues and twos have no effect, so they call in assistance. Some way behind, Mike and Chris are playing catch-up, also with a camera crew in the car. The bandit car exits the motorway onto a dual carriageway, but still doesn’t get any slower. Fortunately local traffic units also haven’t got any slower and there are enough available to pull off a tactical stop.

There's a bag full of drugs in the welly in the boot...
March 17, 2009

Chris and Mike are in Exeter in a marked Beemer and are called to have a word with a couple of youths lurking with a pushbike. It takes a bit longer than expected, but they finally spot a likely looking character – who spots them and nips off down an alleyway. Mike knows where the youth will emerge and they are soon behind them, even though he runs a red to try to get away.

Coming to a screen near you: day-glo Police Officers
March 10, 2009

Darryl is out and about with Murphy in Exeter and is called to help with the apprehension of a car thief who nicked a vehicle in Torquay, rammed a police car with it, and is now hightailing it towards Exeter. By the time the chopper’s on scene, the car’s been abandoned and a suspect has been spotted on the run. It’s time for Murphy to show what he’s made of, and they head out across fields to where they can see the chopper hovering.

Excuse me, is that a Procyon lotor in your 4x4?
March 3, 2009

Exeter is clearly a ‘happening’ place to be. Darryl is on his way to a punch up in a local drinking establishment – and it’s a Sunday night! It’s reported that someone’s been glassed, and Darryl is likely to be the first to arrive. Murphy won’t be much help in this situation, so Darryl heads in on his own and nearly finds himself going face first into a flying fist. Fortunately, he only needs his glasses to drive, and they’ve been left on the dash in his van.

Step into my company car, and let me gas you...
February 24, 2009

Steve Cruwys is on patrol in Exeter with Razor and is called to a house where a young man, suspected of beating up a Big Issue seller in town, has taken exception to being questioned, to the point of retreating into a house and issuing loud threats about knives. Steve arrives to a scene of minor mayhem, where the suspect is still shouting furiously in a back yard.

Welcome to the Wild, Wild, West...
February 17, 2009

Proceedings begin on the M5 just outside Exeter with Chris Davidson and his crewmate Mike Brown out on patrol. An ANPR ding alerts them to a car on the motorway with drugs history, and the driver, at first, seems ready to stop – but doesn’t. Burning off flat out, the pursuit begins with chilled commentary from Mike.

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