Gloria and Joey arrive at their new home; but then find out that it belongs to the head veterinarian, Dr. Adams (Burgess Meredith). So instead of having a house full to themselves, like they originally thought, they will be his housemates. After a while, Gloria considers take her and Joey back to live with Archie after meeting Dr. Adams' bitchy business partner, Dr. Maggie Lawrence (Jo deWinter), being charmed by the other veterinary assistant, Clark Uhley, Jr., and then to have her job not be what she expected.
Archie drives Gloria and Joey to Dr. Adams house... Gloria new boss; who is owner and head veterinarian of the veterinary clinic she works for. Dr. Adams also lets Gloria and Joey be his roomates, with the rule of no pets. Meanwhile, a rich lady leaves her pure-bred show dog's non-pure-bred puppies at the office, and tells Gloria that Dr. Adams will destroy them for her. So it is up to Gloria and Joey try rescue them.