Flapjack keeps bothering a tired Captain K'nuckles about the stars.
Captain K'nuckles convinces Flapjack that a true adventurer doesn't brush his teeth.
Flapjack keeps jumping into the sea, only to be tossed back out again. When K'nuckles sees this, he says the sea is sick of Flapjack.
K'nuckles tries to haggle-free fish from a shop owner, while Flapjack earns extra money entertaining the crowd.
Flapjack finds Peppermint Larry sending messages to ships offshore using signal flags, which Flapjack imitates with disastrous results.
K'nuckles is cutting his toenails; Flapjack is collecting them to make a ship out of toenails. After Flapjack makes K'nuckles drink whale milk, his toenails grow again.
Flapjack and Bubbie meet K'nuckles. Flapjack proves that he is an adventurer by beating Eight-Armed Willy at arm wrestling.
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