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Kat and Matt have romantic dilemmas, as Bianca faces a cruel choice.
A visitor from Australia puts the family in jeopardy, forcing Matt and Kat to extreme measures. Bianca finds her workmates are her enemy.
Bianca finds the perfect tenant, as Kat finds she’s in a deal with the devil. A condom incident blows up with disastrous consequences for Matt.
Kat fears her mother’s reputation will kill her career, as Bianca faces hard reality and Matt gets creative in a good cause.
As Matt faces a threat, Donna goes to war to protect her grandson. Kat finds the truth about her father – who might not be as dead as he seems.
Kat is driven to desperate measures. Bianca reveals her betrayal, as Matt’s obsession with Leisha gets him into hot water.
When Donna is accused of murder, Kat finds her suburban mum is anything but ordinary. A misunderstanding leads Matt to romance.
Cash causes complications for Kat and Bianca, as there are shocking revelations about relations.
Donna Rafferty has been cooking the books for years, but when the police cart her off to the slammer, the revelation that mum’s a doyenne of crime comes as a complete shock to her family.
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