Climate change
November 16, 2018

Climate change is one of the most relevant crises on the planet. The temperature has increased by one degree while droughts and sea floods threaten to create more refugees than the wars themselves. All this while the countries of the world try to do something about it.

Money goes out; poor doesn't
November 9, 2018

There is a lot of poverty in the region and millions of dollars are invested annually in social programs to reduce it, so why doesn't it disappear? Is it because social programs don't work, because we use them badly or because we don't want them to work?

Migratory crisis
November 1, 2018

More than 2 million Venezuelans have left their country, what led them to this? In this episode we will delve into the reasons why this problem should be treated as a crisis. The solution is not simple but there are things we can all do to help them.

Labor productivity
October 26, 2018

Why is Latin America one of the least productive regions in the world? Will they be low salaries ?, dictator bosses ?, inhuman schedules? Or maybe we are ... ourselves.

Artificial intelligence
October 19, 2018

Artificial intelligence is potentially the most important invention in centuries, the creation of a more advanced being than the human being opens the way to a new society, where machines will take most of the work and will be the pillar of new discoveries of all kinds .

Waiting for reconstruction
October 12, 2018

Straight from the social networks, comes to HBO a new kind of opinion and analysis program. This is not just a boring news show, not the same old TV news, and not just another talk show. It’s Chumel with Chumel Torres.

Nice to meet you, Colombia
October 5, 2018

We usually treat people by their image, but people tend to be more than that: their history and dreams matter too. Reinterpreting his image is fundamental, to understand it better we went to Colombia and see how this affects his people.

Conspiracy theories
August 31, 2018

We all believe or even know, some conspiracy theory, however little we stop to think about its origins and intentions. We will analyze some of the most current and seek the truth, within the lie.

Sex education
August 24, 2018

Sex education in Latin America has serious deficiencies that are reflected in the high rate of teenage pregnancies. Conservative and religious groups prevent the correct information from passing to the younger generations and focusing efforts on prevention.

Killer miners
August 17, 2018

Before they exchanged gold for mirrors, today they exchange it for enslaving jobs, diseases, devastation, poverty and environmental damage. To make a gold ring you need to destroy 30 tons of mountain. And if that is not a commitment (with destruction), then nothing is.

Plastic World
August 10, 2018

The use of plastic is becoming a dangerous epidemic for the sea. Every bag, bottle or plastic container we dispose of will end up in the ocean. We are on time, but we have to change the way we consume today.

The petty cash
August 3, 2018

The petty cash of the government is called Bouquet 23, it leaves 7 out of every 100 pesos that should go to natural disasters and basic infrastructure; instead, it punishes or rewards states, goes in bribes and the worst: it is legal.

Happy football
July 27, 2018

In this millennium, Latin American football has been overshadowed by European. For what is this? Mentality, corruption and lack of project are some of the factors we investigate.

Politically correct
July 20, 2018

Straight from the social networks, comes to HBO a new kind of opinion and analysis program. This is not just a boring news show, not the same old TV news, and not just another talk show. It’s Chumel with Chumel Torres.

July 13, 2018

What happens in Nicaragua? Daniel Ortega's government has been violently repressing peaceful demonstrations against government. In this episode we will talk about what led Nicaragua to this crisis and what we can do for its population

Mental health
July 6, 2018

Mental health is as important as physical health, the problem is that mental disorders are not as easy to distinguish as physical ones and have many causes. We need to raise awareness and improve medical care.

Electoral Surveys
June 1, 2018

Despite the constant contact with the surveys, we know little about them. We ignore its cost, its customers and its true power. At times where these numbers determine the path of the speeches, it is vital to understand the true meaning and importance of the surveys.

Presidential Pensions
May 25, 2018

The pensions of former presidents are regulated in some countries but are almost always considered excessive. Do we continue to give our rulers the life of kings? Do we leave them on the street? Was the theme just a pretext for Chumel to sing songs by Luis Miguel?

Don't fodebrecht with me
May 18, 2018

Odebrecht, the largest construction company in Latin America caused the biggest corruption scandal of recent years in the region as it involves dozens of countries, many politicians and millions of dollars. There has been so much news that nobody keeps track of everything and this program is a brief account of all this.

The informal ones
May 11, 2018

More than half of Latin Americans work in informality. What does this mean for our future? Let's find out together the scenario of our old age and how we can protect ourselves from the impending apocalypse, but without sinister.

The ugly of the beautiful
May 4, 2018

What does a woman have to live to become the most beautiful on the planet? Behind the beauty pageants there is a world where the dignity and health of women is the least important.

April 27, 2018

China is investing large amounts of money in Latin America. Here we provide them with natural resources and in return they provide us with technology and infrastructure. Sounds like a win-win, but are we ready to negotiate with the Asian giant?

April 20, 2018

No one knows very well what gentrification is, and by no one do we mean Chumel. Join us on this trip full of poor neighborhoods that became rich of poor inhabitants who had to continue to be poor elsewhere and of couplets… many couplets

April 13, 2018

The growth of industries and cities has made water a resource as exploited as it is scarce. Industrial branches consume up to 90% of the water in an area, while in cities up to 40% of it is lost in leaks. It is a serious and unknown crisis.

Super Pigs
March 23, 2018

Obesity and overweight are a worldwide epidemic because of super processed foods: they are delicious, accessible, addictive and also persuade us with marketing and advertising. But there are effective solutions such as taxes and labeling.

March 16, 2018

Three quarters of the food we consume is thanks to the pollination of bees and they are on their way to disappearance. Chumel explores the reasons and potential solutions around the world.

Prostitution A.S.
March 9, 2018

Sex work is a subject with which we literally come around the corner. Although the problem of human trafficking in the world is alarming, there are organizations that ensure that legalization is the way to save these women from violence.

From Russia with Chumilove
March 2, 2018

The Russians came to hack our choices. Or not? Well that says the United States, but do we believe the United States? Join us to see how Chumel mocks the Russian intervention while some KBG spies steal this episode ... or not. Or if?

Sexual harassment
February 23, 2018

Sexual harassment has been part of the story, but it is not until this year, 2018 D.C. which finally invades the media after Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein received dozens of complaints of harassment, starting the #MeToo movement.

Latin Elections
February 16, 2018

Chumel returns and Latin America holds 6 presidential elections that could change the face of the continent more than what Botox changed that of Alejandra Guzmán. Or they could leave her stuck, again. What will happen? We will find out this year.

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