Season Finale. Sonny's Eggtacular = lit. Sax, Amanda, Happy save Hailey from worse than death.
Amanda's blessed day arrives. Sax and Amanda will have to play Smoothie's game to get to Hailey.
Smoothie + Hailey take a trip into the past. Sax hits rock bottom. Good thing Happy brought a cake.
This is one F-d up family dinner.
Meet Janet, you ape. Happy moves way past the (imaginary) Friend Zone. Sax and Merry get slimy.
Sax ate the jelly. Trips B, D, all of it. And on Hailey's birthday. Amanda makes a breakthrough.
Who the hell is Dayglo Doug? Sax, Merry & Happy enter a geriatric death trap. Don't eat the jelly.
A simple B&E, they said. Introducing the captivating Bebe DeBarge. A very Smoothie Easter Egg Hunt.
Hailey spends a day with dad. These mitzvahs are murder.
Sax is clean...ish... but somehow the filth just seems to find him.
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