Falling Dominoes
April 7, 2015 • 50m

In 1989, the USSR pulls out of Afghanistan and the last remaining proxy conflict of the Cold War ends. A new era emerges as brutal barriers are broken down. A peaceful transition is what the watching world prays for, but is by no means a sure thing.

April 7, 2015 • 50m

In the early 1980's the next battlefield in the struggle between communism and democracy, emerges, and it’s in the United State’s own backyard. It's an arms race, a propaganda battle and at times a deadly game. This is the Cold War.

Cold War II
April 7, 2015 • 50m

By the end of the 70s, war between East and West has been raging for decades. Countless proxy wars have proven how destructive this so-called Cold War can be. It's an arms race, a propaganda battle and at times a deadly game.

Peace And War
April 7, 2015 • 50m

By the mid 1970s, the Cold War has remained a fact of life for decades. But 30 years into the war, and the doctrine of mutually assured destruction doesn't feel like a roadmap to peace. It's an arms race, a propaganda and at times, a deadly game.

Nuclear Poker
April 7, 2015 • 50m

USSR places nuclear warheads in Cuba in response to the US ballistic missiles in Turkey. Czechoslovakia gets invaded by Warsaw Pact countries as Alexander Dubcek attempts a reform. USA deliberately gets involved in the Vietnam War.

April 7, 2015 • 50m

The bitter rivalry between capitalism and communism that rages from Berlin to Havana - and all the way to Outer Space. Russia seals themselves behind an Iron Curtain. A move that spawns the birth of revolutions across East Europe and beyond.

April 7, 2015 • 50m

As the propaganda war and the arms race rage on the 1950’s becomes the decade of paranoia. The stalemate between democracy and communism reaches a fever pitch as the word descends further in chaos...closer to the edge of WWIII.

Rise Of The Superpowers
April 7, 2015 • 50m

For four decades two global superpowers face off, poised for swift and terrible action, threatening to annihilate one another, with the push of a button. It is an arms race, a propaganda battle - and at times, a deadly game. It is the Cold War.

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