Do They Know it's Christmastime at All?
December 21, 2017

So let's be real: 2017 sucked. But even in the midst of all that awfulness, there were a few things to celebrate, a few reasons to hope, a few reminders that we should still keep fighting for a better world. Join us as we bid a not-so-fond farewell to 2017, remember the good things, and look ahead to the new year in this 2017 season finale of The FREQ Show!

Is the Force Feminist?
December 7, 2017

With the release of The Last Jedi nearly upon us, we look at the state of the Star Wars saga and the history of women throughout. (Well, we entirely ignore the prequel trilogy because it deserves to be ignored so, y'know, the Star Wars saga OTHER THAN those awful movies.) Some claim that, with The Force Awakens and Rogue One both centering female protagonists, Star Wars has become some kind of "feminist propaganda." Do these claims hold up? How feminist are the Star Wars films, really? Find out in this brand new episode of The Freq Show!

7 Ways to Talk to Your Racist Uncle at Thanksgiving
November 23, 2017

Concerned about potential clashes with family members over the sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce this Thanksgiving? Well, don’t worry, because we're here to help with a quick video offering up seven simple but effective pointers that can help you navigate the stormy seas of racist uncles, homophobic grandmas and other potential sources of turkey day trouble! (Table-flipping not required but highly recommended.)

My Milkshake Duck Scares All the Women from the Yard
November 9, 2017

Can there be such a thing as ethical media consumption in this, the era of a million milkshake ducks? How are we supposed to respond when it turns out that movies we love were created by someone who has done reprehensible things? Do we just toss out all of an artist's CDs if we learn he's a sexual predator? Well, we don't have all the answers, but we CAN explore this complicated question, and we do just that in the latest episode of The FREQ Show!

One Weird Trick for Helping Women
October 26, 2017

Hey guys. Would you like to start helping put a stop to sexual predators and rapists before they spend decades assaulting women? Would you like to help curtail dangerous and deadly political movements before they take root in the White House? Watch this video to learn one weird trick that you can do to start making a real difference for the better in women’s lives.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers Definitely Deliver… And They Make Sure You Do, Too!
October 12, 2017

You won’t believe one of the ways the anti-choice movement is working to deny pregnant people access to legitimate medical care and appropriate family planning services. In our latest episode of The FREQ Show, we shine a spotlight on so-called Crisis Pregnancy Centers: what they are, who’s behind them, and why they’re so dangerous.

Flying Cars! Robots! Racism!
September 28, 2017

For many of us, there’s something alluring about the rain-soaked, neon-lit streets of Blade Runner, but those streets are no place to be a replicant on the run. With Blade Runner 2049‘s highly anticipated release just days away, we take a look back at the original 1982 sci-fi cult classic. Blade Runner‘s tale of persecuted androids struggling for a better life in the dystopian cyberpunk future of 2019 is deeply concerned with matters of humanity and oppression, but how do race and gender factor into those concerns? Find out in this episode of The FREQ Show!

Feminism for Sale in Aisle 4
September 14, 2017

In this debut episode, we examine the issue of “marketplace feminism.” Is there a problem with companies marketing certain shoes, yogurt, or breakfast cereal as “feminist” or “empowering”? Anita breaks it down for you in Feminism for Sale in Aisle 4!

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