Lisa, Adam and Cipi, on the run from Borisov, get tracked down just as they're supposed to drop Cipi off at a safe house. Now running from the SAS special forces too, the unlikely trio spend the night in an abandoned hospital that brings back painful memories for the already distraught Cipi. Adam and Lisa realize that Cipi has stolen something from Borisov that puts them all in danger, but Cipi won't reveal what it is. Walter, Lisa's dad, comes to Timisoara to bring Lisa back home.
Lisa extends her stay in Timisoara, now determined to save Cipi from himself. Adam, chastised by his own boss, Vali, for enabling Lisa's shenanigans, wants her on the first flight back home. But Lisa gets Adam's colleague Nicoleta to disobey orders and help her seek out Cipi instead, only to discover that Cipi has disappeared, along with Dragos. Their side of the investigation soon intersects with Adam's and he and Lisa end up together again, looking for Cipi, with the help of Cornel. While at a party thrown by Dragos' would-be producer, Cipi gets a rude awakening.