Weymouth and Chiswick
September 8, 2022

George helps a couple whose Weymouth home was destroyed overnight by a flash flood, and revisits a couple in Chiswick to find out what's next on their demolition list.

Chester and Banbury
September 1, 2022

George attempts to bring the grandeur back to a Georgian town house in Cheshire that's been stripped of its original features, and tackles a 380-year-old Jacobean cottage.

Warlingham and Sydenham
August 25, 2022

George helps a couple turn their dubiously designed, Artex-abound Surrey house into an elegant family home, and tackles a house that's stuck in a wallpaper time warp.

Brighton and Stockport
August 18, 2022

In Brighton, George helps Ododu whose downsizing has left her with a kitchen quandary, and in Stockport, can Sarah make her childhood home work for modern family life?

August 11, 2022

George helps more people make their period homes fit for modern life. Can Duncan and Josie turn their 18th-century barn into a liveable home before baby Ruby arrives?

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