The Final
April 7, 2017 • 30m

Two teams compete in the final game of the series.

Semi-Final 2
March 31, 2017 • 30m

Two teams compete in the second semi-final game.

Semi-Final 1
March 24, 2017 • 30m

Two teams compete in this semi-final game.

Psmiths v Verbivores (2)
March 17, 2017 • 30m

The Psmiths and Verbivores compete for a last chance to make it to the semi-finals.

Beekeepers v Korfballers
March 10, 2017 • 30m

The Beekeepers take on the Korfballers in this quarter-final game.

Psmiths v Cosmopolitans
March 3, 2017 • 30m

Find out what connects Ali Amako, Reece Thens, Elize Elmopan and Enya Airobi.

Surrealists v Korfballers
February 24, 2017 • 30m

Find out what connects Tuvalu, hijab, Defra and nope in a quarter-final game.

Beekeepers v Oscar Men
February 17, 2017 • 30m

Two losing teams return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals.

Fire-Eaters v Verbivores
February 10, 2017 • 30m

Two losing teams return for a last chance to make it to the quarter-finals.

Psmiths v Oscar Men
February 3, 2017 • 30m

The Psmiths take on the Oscar Men in this round three game.

Beekeepers v Cosmopolitans
January 27, 2017 • 30m

The Beekeepers and Cosmopolitans fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

Surrealists v Verbivores
January 20, 2017 • 30m

Round three continues as two more teams fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

Fire-Eaters v Korfballers
January 13, 2017 • 30m

The Fire-Eaters and the Korfballers fight it out for a place in the quarter-finals.

Genealogists v Oscar Men
January 6, 2017 • 30m

The Genealogists and Oscar Men return for their last chance to make it into round three.

Beekeepers v Policy Wonks
December 19, 2016 • 30m

Two teams of first-round winners return for a chance to make it into the next round.

Part-Time Poets v Surrealists
December 12, 2016 • 30m

The Part-Time Poets and the Surrealists compete for a place in round three, drawing together connections between things which seem random.

Fire-Eaters v Clareites
December 5, 2016 • 30m

The Fire-Eaters and the Clareites return to try to make it into round three. They compete to draw together connections between things which seem random.

Verbivores v Taverners
November 28, 2016 • 30m

The Taverners and Verbivores return to try to make it into round three. They compete to draw together connections between things which seem random.

Shutterbugs v Korfballers
November 21, 2016 • 30m

Two teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random.

Networkers v Psmiths
November 14, 2016 • 30m

Two more teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three and attempt to connect Kashmir, Pyrenees, Lake Victoria and Borneo.

Cosmopolitans v Tubers
November 7, 2016 • 30m

Two teams of first-round winners return to fight for a place in round three and attempt to connect Malabo, Conakry, Port Moresby and Bissau.

Wrestlers v Genealogists
October 31, 2016 • 30m

Two more teams who lost their first heats return as highest-scoring losers and attempt to connect Lou Gehrig: Horse, Louis Van Gaal: Tulip, Wellington: Duke and Otto von Bismarck: Chancellor.

Maltsters v Oscar Men
October 17, 2016 • 30m

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest-scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Mother-in-law, Court-martial, Lord Lieutenant and Poet Laureate.

Scunthorpe Scholars v Beekeepers
October 10, 2016 • 30m

A team from Scunthorpe take on a trio of Beekeepers in this heat and attempt to connect Ungrammatical string follows, Multiply, Not out and Required field.

Maltsters v Policy Wonks
October 3, 2016 • 30m

The Maltsters take on the Policy Wonks in this opening heat and attempt to connect the Indonesian national airline, a Carla Lane sitcom, International Rescue craft and capital of Arizona.

Genealogists v Surrealists
September 26, 2016 • 30m

This heat sees a team of genealogists take on three surrealists and attempt to connect a violin's extraneous discordant notes, Lotharios, Molineux team and Canis Lupis.

Part-Time Poets v Oscar Men
September 19, 2016 • 30m

A team of poets take on three fans of the Oscars and attempt to connect the Nabateans, Makka Pakka, Alley Oop and Old Mother Shipton.

Wrestlers v Clareites
September 12, 2016 • 30m

A team of wrestling fans take on a trio from Clare College, Cambridge and attempt to connect single-fingered rock-climbing hold, Spanish monkey, North American glandular fever and single-channel sound reproduction.

Fire-Eaters v Eurovisionaries
September 5, 2016 • 30m

A new round of heats begins as some spicy food lovers take on three fans of Eurovision and attempt to connect 'From the roots' (Greek), 'We can' (Spanish), 'We ourselves' (Gaelic) and 'Party of Wales' (Welsh).

Verbivores v Channel Islanders
August 29, 2016 • 30m

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Minotaur, Frobscottle, Moloko Plus and Duff.

Bardophiles v Taverners
August 22, 2016 • 30m

Two teams who lost their first heats return as highest scoring losers in this show and attempt to connect Betjeman, Alsatian, Liberty Cabbage and Windsor.

Korfballers v Channel Islanders
August 15, 2016 • 30m

Three Korfball players take on a family from Guernsey in this episode and attempt to connect Annabel Lee, Delilah, Rebecca and Weekend at Bernie's.

Shutterbugs v Highgates
August 8, 2016 • 30m

A team of photographers take on a trio of Londoners and attempt to connect Cot, Holland, Chira and Bonapart.

Networkers v Cousins
August 1, 2016 • 30m

A trio of networkers take on a family team and attempt to connect Cafetiere, Condom, Eggy bread and Chips.

Psmiths v Verbivores
July 25, 2016 • 30m

Three fans of PG Wodehouse square up to a team of wordsmiths and attempt to connect Georgia: Canada, Sunda: Indonesia, Bass: Australia and Cook: New Zealand.

Cosmopolitans v Taverners
July 18, 2016 • 30m

Three cocktail drinkers take on a trio of taverners and attempt to connect Eurovision Song Contest, Cow & Gate, Wall's and I Love New York.

Tubers v Bardophiles
July 11, 2016 • 30m

Three fans of the London Underground take on a trio of bardophiles and attempt to connect Brownies, Michael Fagan, Freddie Krueger and the Milk Tray Man.

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