The Solitary Horseman, Part II
September 21, 1995 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Solitary Horseman, Part I
August 21, 1995 • 30m

Arslan's troops face a new enemy in their rear as The Silver Mask tries to recover a symbol of the Parsian Royalty.

Road of Blood and Sweat
December 22, 1993 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Castle in the East and the Castle in the West
October 21, 1993 • 30m

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan II
July 18, 1992 • 1h

We don't have an overview translated in English.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan
August 17, 1991 • 1h

We don't have an overview translated in English.

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