O, Mouse!
May 17, 2020 • 42m

When one of Gotham's former heroes returns to his old stomping grounds to settle a score, both Batwoman and Commander Kane find themselves on the defensive. Meanwhile, Alice has uncovered what could finally take down Batwoman, but she is losing hold on her henchman Mouse and Hush, sending her spiraling into her most wicked self. Luke immediately focuses on finding a way to protect Batwoman from Alice, and Mary has a chance to be the sister Kate has needed all along. New information surfaces, forcing Julia to warn Sophie about the person pulling the strings. And in a final standoff, when Commander Kane refuses to retreat from his war on Batwoman, Kate may find herself more than heartbroken by her father’s choices.

A Secret Kept From All the Rest
May 10, 2020 • 42m

When members of Gotham's intelligentsia begin disappearing, Commander Kane, Sophie and the Crows go searching for the newest homicidal threat to the city. In the meantime, Kate is consumed with someone’s betrayal and starts questioning the loyalty of everyone around her just when she needs them most. So when Luke and Julia go missing, Batwoman must rely on Mary and a former foe to deploy her rescue mission. Meanwhile, Alice enlists Tommy Elliot to help acquire an elusive item that her sister also seeks.

If You Believe In Me, I'll Believe In You
May 3, 2020 • 42m

Batwoman enlists Luke and Julia for an undercover mission to recover one of the most important items from her cousin’s arsenal. While Alice continues developing her devious plans within Arkham’s walls, she gets an unexpected visit from Jacob Kane who needs her help. Meanwhile, Mary tries to prove herself to Kate. As Sophie gets closer to a co-worker, Kate reunites with an old flame.

A Narrow Escape
April 26, 2020 • 42m

Batwoman encounters a new challenge when an old villain resurfaces, testing the heroics of Gotham’s most stand-up citizens. Alice’s limits are tested.

Through The Looking-Glass
March 22, 2020 • 42m

Kate begins to question her instincts and Luke gets upsetting news. Alice seeks her sister’s help with a special task.

Off with Her Head
March 15, 2020 • 42m

More of Alice’s dark past is uncovered when Cartwright shares a twisted story with Kate while Jacob goes searching for his wayward daughter. Mary and Luke follow a lead on Beth's killer.

Grinning From Ear to Ear
March 8, 2020 • 42m

Batwoman and Luke are on the trail of a villain targeting social media mavens. Sophie gets an unexpected visit from her mother, and Mary offers her expertise to assist Kate. Jacob Kane is approached to make good on a favor, while Alice focuses on her plans for retribution.

Drink Me
February 23, 2020 • 42m

A new villain sinks her teeth into Gotham and The Hold Up opens in grand fashion. Sophie reluctantly requests that Batwoman keep her distance knowing their interactions could compromise her career.

Take Your Choice
February 16, 2020 • 42m

With the hunt for Alice heating up, Kate faces a difficult decision.

An Un-Birthday Present
January 26, 2020 • 42m

On the Kane sisters’ birthday, Kate and Alice contend with demons from the past, and an unexpected guest makes a surprise appearance in Gotham.

How Queer Everything is Today!
January 19, 2020 • 42m

While Gotham busies itself reacting to Batwoman’s awkward encounter, Alice celebrates her ultimate act of vengeance with Mouse. A devastated Mary focuses on Jacob Kane’s trial, while Sophie seeks advice about her love life from someone unexpected. As they tackle the newest threat to Gotham, Luke prioritizes protecting Batwoman’s secret, and Kate must decide what she is willing to do to honor Batwoman’s identity...and her own.

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two (II)
December 9, 2019 • 42m

The group uses Ray's invention to track new recruits to help save the universe. The Monitor sends Iris, Clark and Lois in search of a mysterious Kryptonian, while Kate and Kara head out to find Bruce Wayne. In addition, Mia challenges Sara, Rory discovers a hidden talent, and Lex Luthor returns. This crossover begins on Supergirl S5E09, and continues on The Flash S6E09, Arrow S8E08, and Legends of Tomorrow S05E01.

A Mad Tea-Party
December 1, 2019 • 42m

Kate and Alice continue their sister/nemesis dance, while Alice and Mouse construct their most evil plan yet. Mary invites Kate to a special event honoring Catherine and Jacob makes a decision that leaves Kate perplexed.

Tell Me The Truth
November 17, 2019 • 42m

Kate and Sophie must reconcile with their past as Kate questions just how much she can trust her former lover. Kate and Luke have an encounter with an old friend. Mary grapples with the fate of the Kane family as Catherine seeks Jacob's help. Alice and a new cohort are in on yet another nefarious plan, but her motives are more than they seem.

I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury
November 10, 2019 • 42m

A disturbing death has Gotham reeling and the city reaches out for their new vigilante hero. Luke confides in Kate, while Sophie asks Jacob for a special assignment. Alice continues her nefarious plot against the Kanes, with Catherine being a conduit to part of her plan. Batwoman pays another visit to Mary.

Mine Is A Long And A Sad Tale
November 3, 2019 • 42m

Alice takes Kate down the sad, winding road of her life in the days after the accident as Jacob and Sophie attempt to track them. Mary has an argument with Catherine which sends her looking for Kate at Wayne Tower, but instead she becomes unwelcome company for Luke.

Who Are You?
October 27, 2019 • 42m

A new villain with an eye for all things that sparkle drops in on the city; Kate attempts to find a balance between her personal life and her new role as Gotham's guardian; Luke continues to fine-tune Batwoman's arsenal of weapons.

Down, Down, Down
October 20, 2019 • 42m

The city waits for another visit from who they think is Batman. Alice continues to taunt Kate. Mary gets an unexpected new friend. As Batwoman faces a new enemy, Kate realizes she must make a decision.

The Rabbit Hole
October 13, 2019 • 42m

Jacob Kane and the Crows up the stakes; Kate continues to look to Bruce Wayne's legacy for guidance as Luke Fox inadvertently gets pulled into Batwoman's vigilante heroics; Sophie and Kate are forced to team up.

October 6, 2019 • 42m

Kate Kane returns to Gotham when a gang targets her father and her ex-girlfriend Sophie Moore.

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