July 12, 2009

Funny bloopers/outtakes that have been accumulated over the course of the series. More bloopers, two deleted scenes between Bob and Mark, and the many unnecessary snapshots that were taken during the course of filming. The last set of bloopers shows the evident rise of the infamous "crap footage". And it is also complete with end credits.

July 11, 2009

Jesse and Mark settle things once and for all. They also visit some old friends. Jesse and Mark apologize to everyone who was involved in the war and one of our characters is approached by Christopher Damien van Helven. Mark and Christopher exchange words and then part ways. Jesse and Mark look back on everything and laugh.

June 25, 2009

Jesse experiences an almost super natural dream possibly brought on by near-death, his imagination, and "Jesus Juice". Meanwhile, the others prepare for something big. The overachievers finally meet their fate as Cornatzer pleas for help from a man who nicknamed himself, "Jesus in a bathrobe.

His Crowning Achievement
May 28, 2009

The battle lines have been drawn and they're all converging at Nate's House. Revenge is exacted.

April 13, 2009

On Easter, Jesse finally has a chance to say farewell to his little princess. Mark must also bid someone farewell.

April 5, 2009

Mark and Jesse settle things once and for all in an epic battle. . .The plot of the war is revealed and Mark's cruel intentions are uncovered. The end of the war is in sight.

God Save The Queen
March 22, 2009

The Queen is in great peril. . .

March 9, 2009

Jesse's parents become more involved in the war. Nate's whereabouts are revealed. A fight ensues over a possible transaction.

The Wake
March 1, 2009

The aftermath of the funeral is shrouded in mystery and confusion, leaving Jesse to try and put the pieces together.

February 22, 2009

Jesse is distraught after the recent loss of his xbox. . . The war begins!

My Little Princess
February 15, 2009

It's Valentine's Day and Jesse is separated from his little princess.

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