Abstract vector spaces
September 24, 2016 • 17m

This is really the reason linear algebra is so powerful.

A quick trick for computing eigenvalues
May 7, 2021 • 13m

How to write the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix just by looking at it.

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
September 15, 2016

A visual understanding of eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and the usefulness of an eigenbasis.

Change of basis
September 11, 2016

How do you translate back and forth between coordinate systems that use different basis vectors?

Cramer's rule, explained geometrically
March 17, 2019

This rule seems random to many students, but it has a beautiful reason for being true.

Cross products in the light of linear transformations
September 3, 2016

For anyone who wants to understand the cross product more deeply, this video shows how it relates to a certain linear transformation via duality. This perspective gives a very elegant explanation of why the traditional computation of a dot product corresponds to its geometric interpretation.

Cross products
September 1, 2016

This covers the main geometric intuition behind the 2d and 3d cross products.

Dot products and duality
August 24, 2016

Dot products are a nice geometric tool for understanding projection. But now that we know about linear transformations, we can get a deeper feel for what's going on with the dot product, and the connection between its numerical computation and its geometric interpretation.

Nonsquare matrices as transformations between dimensions
August 16, 2016

Because people asked, this is a video briefly showing the geometric interpretation of non-square matrices as linear transformations that go between dimensions.

Inverse matrices, column space and null space
August 16, 2016

How to think about linear systems of equations geometrically. The focus here is on gaining an intuition for the concepts of inverse matrices, column space, rank and null space, but the computation of those constructs is not discussed.

The determinant
August 11, 2016

The determinant of a linear transformation measures how much areas/volumes change during the transformation.

Three-dimensional linear transformations
August 10, 2016

What do 3d linear transformations look like? Having talked about the relationship between matrices and transformations in the last two videos, this one extends those same concepts to three dimensions.

Matrix multiplication as composition
August 9, 2016

Multiplying two matrices represents applying one transformation after another. Many facts about matrix multiplication become much clearer once you digest this fact.

Linear transformations and matrices
August 7, 2016

Matrices can be thought of as transforming space, and understanding how this work is crucial for understanding many other ideas that follow in linear algebra.

Linear combinations, span, and basis vectors
August 7, 2016

The fundamental vector concepts of span, linear combinations, linear dependence, and bases all center on one surprisingly important operation: Scaling several vectors and adding them together.

Vectors, what even are they?
August 6, 2016

Kicking off the linear algebra lessons, let's make sure we're all on the same page about how specifically to think about vectors in this context.

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