Everything you were told is a lie! In 1970... EVERYTHING CHANGED! Was the Doctor a human inventor?! SHOCKING REVELATIONS! BROKEN CONTINUITY!! PATRICK TROUGHTON'S CHEST!!! TIME ROTOR ARGUMENTS!!!! When Doctor Who was first created, the main character was definitely from another galaxy. But many changes were made and different writers had different ideas, many of which went unchallenged.
In the third instalment of Music from Terry Nation Army, we journey back to the second Dalek movie made in 1965 (AD) at Shepperton. This music was featured in the second episode looking at the making of Dalek's Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. at Shepperton studios... While most of the music composer Graeme Allan wrote for that episode was original, there were a few minutes of original music from the movie transcribed and arranged for inclusion in the soundtrack, and it is these that are presented here.