You'll never believe what happens after one man barfs up a tumor, discover the damage an angry dolphin can do to your family, and you know it's been a rough night when you wake up in a body bag.
Discover the devastating downside of detox drinks and see why bathroom stall doors should have a deadbolt and how Q can make an enemy of an entire town. Let's Get Miserable as our two contestants square off for a chance at the grand prize.
Check out what one grandma does with her tongue for money, meet a carpenter who can count to twenty-eight, and learn why you should never, ever invite the Tenderloins to a baseball game.
Witness a terrifying tumble down a mountain, check out the worst ambulance ride in the world, and you'll never believe what one unlucky dude got stuck in his head. Our two contestants battle it out for the grand prize of $30,000.
Find out where you're most likely to find a severed head, how Joe's Wi-Fi password might get him in trouble, and see how skipping sunscreen at the beach can land you in a back bra.
Let's get together to celebrate all things Miserable. Discover the dangers of sleeping outside, how head-butting your buddy mid-air can be hazardous to their health, and you won't believe what one man has sewn onto his arm.
Witness how terrifying it can be to be stalked by a cougar, how a gardening fail can make your front yard the most popular on the block and why you should never, ever let Murr unpack your bags.
Catch clashing coworkers on camera, find out why nuns hate balls, and see why snapping selfies next to train tracks can lead to a giant headache. Haunted Contestant Lindsey takes on Fire Stick Nick for the chance to walk away with $30,000.
Find out how Florida bites back, how creepy cramps can crush your day, and when it comes to marriage proposals, always double check your family tree. Contestants battle it out to be the Master of Misery for the grand prize of $30,000.
Two contestants, one a poison ivy victim with a suspect story and the other an over eager dancer, battle to be masters of misery and walk away with $30,000.