Ozzie and Harriet desire to convert the boys old bedroom into something else. Harriet suggests a guest bedroom, but Ozzie secretly wants to buy a used pool table and convert the space into a game room.
With Harriet's help, June tries to trap Dave into taking a trip to Hawaii, and with the help of Ozzie, Rick, and Wally, Dave tries not to trip into her trap.
Ozzie and Joe impulsively accept an invitation to have lunch in Mexico City. Will they be able to make it home in time to make a planned dinner date with their wives?
Kris has left an important message for Rick. The trouble is, Wally has torn it into six pieces to use as paper to write IOUs, which he has issued to several fraternity brothers.
The Nelsons and Rick's fraternity brothers panic when they learn that Wally has included embarrassing tidbits about all of them in a book he is trying to sell to a publisher.