Kirtida and Motabhai pay an unexpected visit to Rani's house with an ulterior motive to find out if Rani's family is going to pay any dowry. While Rani's parents walk on eggshells to keep their secrets from Raja's family, Rani reveals the truth of her family's condition without second thoughts. How will Raja's family react to this?
Utsav gets the shocking news that he hasn't won the lottery, but he hides the story from Asha so that she goes ahead with the wedding. Meanwhile, Raja and Rani are stunned to find out that their marriage is being fixed by their family. With their ongoing misunderstanding, will Rani agree to meet Raja?
Asha doesn't like the girl Motabhai selects for Raja as she belongs to a relatively poor family and is stuck between selecting Rani or her. Meanwhile, Raja ignores Rani to show her that he is not interested in her but they both end up in an awkward situation. Will their misunderstanding bring them closer? Or draw them further apart?
After winning the Dandiya prize money, Rani sends Raja a thank you message for helping her. However, Raja misunderstands her approach and assumes that she is interested in him and starts ignoring her. But fate plays the cupid and brings them face to face again in a family function. Will this coincidence spark love between them?
As Rani is disheartened for not having a partner for the Garba competition, Raja steps in at the eleventh hour and offers to dance with her. After feeling reassured by Raja's encouraging words, Rani gives it all to win the competition. With Rani desperate for the prize money, will she win the competition with Raja's partnership?
Raja talks about the acupressure shoes to Jharna. Meanwhile, Rani, amidst the crowd, overhears their conversation and decides to buy her mother the same. Later, she talks to her brother about her being short on cash and assures him that she will somehow arrange it. How has Rani planned on arranging the money?
Raja and Rani both live their separate lives filled with joy and fun. Raja, the heir to his father's business and Rani, the strong independent girl ready to face all the challenges that come towards her. Tragedy befalls the two, as they grow up to be responsible adults. Starting afresh with their new lives, will fate bring these two together?