As Drew prepares to marry Lily, his mother notes how upset Kellie seems and realizes that she has strong feelings for Drew. She believes that Drew feels the same way about Kellie. Drew and Lily go through with the wedding, but the union proves to be a brief one when they realize that they really are not right for each other. Drew winds up sharing a dance with Kellie.
Oswald and Lewis put Drew's picture and phone number on Buzz Beer bottles in the hopes of landing him a wife. Much to everyone's surprise, a southern belle responds to the campaign and expresses an interest in Drew. Drew travels down south to meet the woman, Lily. They hit it off, and Drew believes he may have finally found a wife. He then discovers that she suffers from night terrors.
Drew finds an unexpected romance after he and Speedy get involved with an animal therapy program at a hospital. He agrees to loan Speedy to a dying woman, and sufficiently impresses the woman's granddaughter. He finds the relationship may not be worth it when he learns that he may never see Speedy again. Meanwhile, Oswald tries to land a date with Traylor.
Drew cannot afford to get a birthday present for Kellie because he has spent all of his money on an engagement ring. He learns of a condo that is available for free use for the weekend, but only for married couples. Drew mock-proposes to Kellie and asks her to pose as his wife for the weekend. Trouble arises when a man starts hitting on Kellie, leaving Drew jealous.
After Oswald fails his nursing school exam, Drew feels bad and helps him get a job at the web site. Oswald finds a way to nearly destroy the entire business. He ends up being reassigned to a job that he (sort of) knows how to do--delivering packages. Mimi repeatedly sucks up to Traylor in an attempt to get on her good side after trying to kill her.
Drew tries to keep Kellie away from Daryl, who is confined to a wheelchair after an auto accident and seems to regret the mistakes he made during their marriage. However, Drew ends up looking as though as he is trying to hurt Daryl, and pushes the two closer together. He decides that it isn't the right time to confess his feelings.
Drew takes salsa lessons in the hopes of learning to dance for his wedding. Kellie gets jealous when he becomes attracted to his instructor. She confesses her feelings to Mimi, who tells her to keep quiet. Drew practices dancing with Kellie and decides that he has a thing for her. He wants to tell her how he feels; but ""unfortunately,"" he doesn't get a chance because her ex-husband, Daryl, barges in on them.
Drew panics when the other analyst leaves the company, as he fears his bosses will discover that he doesn't know how to do his job. He hires a teenager to help improve his technical know-how. Meanwhile, Steve moves in with Lewis and Oswald. He drives them crazy with his constant crying and emotional comments as he tries to deal with the collapse of his marriage.
Kellie realizes that Lewis and Oswald cannot stand her because they consider her a boring goody two shoes. She tries to win them over by stealing a cardboard cutout of Indians slugger Jim Thome, but ends up on the run from the cops. Drew books a chapel for his wedding, even though there is no indication that anyone wants to marry him.